Train from Yog Nagari Rishikesh to Udaipur City

List of all the trains running between Yog Nagari Rishikesh (YNRK) and Udaipur City (UDZ). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Yog Nagari Rishikesh - Udaipur City route.

Total 1 train(s) between YNRK / Yog Nagari Rishikesh and UDZ / Udaipur City railway station.

S# Train# Train Name Type Zone From PF Dept To PF Arr Dist
Departure Days
1 19610 Yog Nagari Rishikesh - Udaipur City Express Exp NWR YNRK - 17:55 UDZ 2,3 15:55 998 km