Train from Kendujhargarh to Bhubaneswar

List of all the trains running between Kendujhargarh (KDJR) and Bhubaneswar (BBS). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Kendujhargarh - Bhubaneswar route.

Total 12 train(s) between KDJR / Kendujhargarh and BBS / Bhubaneswar railway station.

S# Train# Train Name Type Zone From PF Dept To PF Arr Dist
Departure Days
1 08480 New Delhi - Puri Special Fare Summer Special Exp ECoR KDJR - 01:35 BBS - 05:03 215 km
2 68425 Kendujhargarh - Bhubaneswar Fast MEMU MEMU ECoR KDJR - 06:30 BBS - 11:30 214 km
3 20815 Tatanagar - Visakhapatnam Weekly SF Express SF ECoR KDJR 1 11:55 BBS 4 15:25 214 km
4 18415 Barbil - Puri Express Exp ECoR KDJR 2 14:20 BBS 5,6 17:56 214 km
5 08482 Anand Vihar Terminal - Puri Special Fare Summer Special Exp ECoR KDJR - 15:15 BBS - 19:05 215 km
6 18428 Anand Vihar Terminal - Puri Weekly Express Exp ECoR KDJR - 17:10 BBS - 22:00 215 km
7 08555 Bhadrak - Nayagarh Town MEMU Special MEMU ECoR BTV - 06:27 BBS - 09:32 111 km
8 68407 Bhadrak - Bhubaneswar MEMU MEMU ECoR BTV 3 06:51 BBS 5 09:55 111 km
9 08415 Jaleswar - Puri MEMU Special MEMU ECoR BTV - 07:33 BBS - 10:05 112 km
10 58001 Howrah - Puri Passenger Pass SER BTV - 08:14 BBS 4 11:20 133 km
11 18021 Kharagpur - Khurda Road Express Exp SER BTV - 09:00 BBS 4 11:15 134 km
12 18045 East Coast Express Exp SER BTV - 17:27 BBS 4 19:40 111 km