Train from Udaipur City to Agra Cantt.

List of all the trains running between Udaipur City (UDZ) and Agra Cantt. (AGC). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Udaipur City - Agra Cantt. route.

Total 4 train(s) between UDZ / Udaipur City and AGC / Agra Cantt. railway station.

S# Train# Train Name Type Zone From PF Dept To PF Arr Dist
Departure Days
1 20981 Udaipur City - Agra Cantt. Vande Bharat Express VB NWR UDZ - 05:45 AGC - 14:30 611 km
2 19666 Udaipur City - Khajuraho Express Exp NWR UDZ 1 22:10 AGC 5 10:20 674 km
3 12316 Ananya SuperFast Express SF ER UDZ 1 00:45 AF 1,2 15:20 786 km
4 19817 Haldighati Express Exp WCR JWO 1 12:02 AED 1 03:09 499 km